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Choose your magnet

Why magnets?

Souvenir magnets has become a very desirable product. They represent wide spectrum of usage not only as souvenirs, but also gifts, notification ..., or marketing.

About our magnets

  • Do you have your own shop? Become our partner.
  • Personalized magnets (your own design)
  • Magnets as marketing tool
  • Production and delivery
Expand your portfolio of goods by adding our souvenir magnets. As our business partner purchasing goods on a regular bas...
Do you wish to make your relatives and friend happy, or decorate your fridge with memories from your holiday? We offer y...
Give your business partners or customers a nice present with company logo.
Magnets can be purchased in any quantity, starting from 1 piece.Production of magnets takes approximately 2 to 5 working...

Why magnets form Invirex company?

  • we have been producing souvenir magnets since 2007
  • you can find more than 1500 various designs in our portfolio
  • our technology enables fast realization and production
  • we deliver our product to several European states
  • we will produce magnets based on your requirements